I rarely use it in small amounts and tend to always binge when using as the high for me lasts very little and the dopamine crash hits me hard. We didn't eat much Friday or Saturday but it was a more or less standard weekend out. It's the perfect storm. Meet and talk to great people online. And they can prescribe you medication to help with it. Had a buddy who dealed. 62 subscribers in the drugadvice247 community. The residue will appear cloudy, and will lay on the bottom much like a layer of dust. Mannitol is heavier than cocaine and much less soluble. The day after tap water has such a weird smell to me. This particular source says that an individual on a binge or a chronic user will show up for up to 12 This guy got 4 months, did drugs out of another prisoners butt, then got out, did a lot of drugs, ordered cocaine, and tried meth 2 days after release. Idk how to even describe the smell. Welcome to r/Meth – a haven for the unconventional. He had some cocaine which I did not partake in. You'll be able to function better. I have been using coke quite frequently (~1. Posted by u/starwarsthetrilogy - 5 votes and 10 comments Hey reddit. Want some help for the hangover now, don't have alcohol, weed, or benzos. Or check it out in the app stores Home blurry vision after 4 day 25g cocaine binge . Let me know if this is gonna end me or I can finally just sleep after this retard move iv done the last few days. His tonsils are pretty big and his throat is very red. Free grams and lines everywhere. I'd already have lined up about 5-10 lines on my mirror so I could snort them all at once without having to wait. If I start doing coke at work then I’ll end up doing coke all the time. I’ve asked all my friends if… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I personally practice mindfulness meditation every day, and I use it when I'm in bed after a night out. Reply reply RunningOutofNamesHuh Longer you go Between doses the better they and you will feel at the end of the day . 1g/day, beside these past 10 days ca. He wasn't able to drive and I became his driver for a few months. I would start aiming for 2500-3000 calories/day. Heavy usage does say up to 2 weeks so the 5 day binge probably wasn’t smart but considering you haven’t used until a year ago I think you should be okay! Just stay positive and try to look up any detoxing and how to get Cocaine out your system as fast as possibly:) good luck! 298K subscribers in the cocaine community. The coke was pretty weak, but I basically didn’t pay a dime for it so we didn’t We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who Figured I'd ask and check before I start my first binge (maximum 24hrs) on speed. You wanna do drugs totally cool man, but you still gotta deal with important life stuff no matter what you gotta do to be there. So tonight, I grabbed one and my binge feeling went away. It can be fickle as low doses and high doses do opposite things in the brain. I’ve had a 2-week-long coke binge after not getting opiates. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who Ive been getting some fire soft recently and im an ex iv H user. It really really helps with the bloating, and the acv helps control your blood sugar so you don't have a bad crash later on that will leave you very hungry Quick Background for better understanding: I’m partially Deaf, have hearing loss and wear hearing aides. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For me personally, after a night of hitting the slopes, I give myself a while to recover. One needs to determine optimal dosing for themselves. But that shit lasts a week usually from a weekend binge. Cocaine usually stays In your system for up to 3/4 days. Feb 26, 2017 路 I am not a frequent coke user but when I do use it, I am fine the next day or so but will always come down with the flu about two days later. Neck pain after 4 day binge . Posted by u/jrkoff1013 - 1 vote and 4 comments Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. since I started coke 2 months ago, each break I take I binge eat terribly. After the party, the comedown was starting to hit. Saturday felt fine, drank plenty of poweraid and water, ate normal. A benzo will help a ton too! For tomorrow, as long as you don't have anything important to do, just chill and smoke weed if you feel really shitty. Then, I try to go to bed early, drinking a little bit more than usual, going back to my usual meal routine as soon as possible, body care with products that smell good (it makes feel better!), activities that don't require a lot of energy or focusing Alright, so I first thing is I started using cocaine this year. 272K subscribers in the cocaine community. I haven't been able to find the cause. Realizing at work when I drink Diet Coke throughout my shift, I never binge when I’m home. No alcohol, weed, or anything else, just cigarettes and water. So already awake since Wednesday night and tonight this little "binge" ends. I understand 100% why I feel this way but it does fucking suck. Before coke I could go the day without eating and end my night thinking shit I never ate today, I’ll just eat tomorrow and then proceed to have 1 meal the next day. Coke is the dumbest drug to get addicted to. , hopefully with many run-on sentences and a general lack of focus or point> on the real, a place for humans who prefer to go fast (in whatever way they like) to come together, commune, communicate, share stories of our lives, ask questions May 1, 2024 路 Cocaine hits the brain very quickly, so effects begin soon after the first dose is consumed. Posted by u/throwawayaskdocs1000 - 4 votes and 12 comments guilt after cocaine binge Stimulants over the weekend i binged a gram of cocaine alone in my room, taking bumps every few hours or so. 1M subscribers in the Drugs community. 299K subscribers in the cocaine community. He has mentioned doing episodes on LSD, episodes while weeded indeeded, episodes while drunk or hung over, etc. If you can't get it up after your come down. I have a good job that I want to keep, and doing coke is pretty much a 95% guarantee that i'm just not gonna do the best that I could at work, which obviously is not good. It’s the worst, I literally feel like dog shit and will sleep for 12 hours a day and that’s not even enough but have to be up for work. To do this you'll need to count/track your calories every day. Today I woke up with a headache and some nasal congestion, but coffee and a shower mostly eradicated those. I've done three grams today and about the same the last two. Usually starting about 40 minutes after my last dose of a binge. A binge is a lot to deal with for the body, it requires a lot of energy to digest all the food, it dehydrates which causes tiredness, etc, so it's normal to be exhausted. The buzz or high you get from doing coke after a few days break is not my reason as to why i do it now. Withdrawal will occur when the last dose of cocaine metabolizes out of the body, and the brain struggles to regulate its own chemistry without the substance. This, in turn, may trigger a binge as the person takes too much to avoid depression or feeling sluggish. after a binge I like to My go-to routine after a binge is usually 1. . I tried moving, substituting one drug for another, white-knuckling it… Even then it was 4 months before I got clean. Personally I also don’t eat that much red meat. Let me know if this is gonna end me or I can finally just sleep Ate some food earlier too If that's important Friend of mine did coke Friday, no clue how much she herself did but spent $200, was with one other dude so I assume 50/50. However, I did the lines while sauced out of my mind. Try your best to eat a big meal and drink a lot of water before you go to bed. So I recently had a 24hr cocaine binge, ended the day with a bit of food, hydration, and vitamins and slept it off. This is the truth for anyone who happens to read this novel. i binged the day before (4k) I haven't exercised at all and I walked only a few hundred steps during this two day massive binge. i need help Done this to for 3-4 days at a time up to a full week only on coke gatorafe n water half a hotdog and like 2 pb cookies a day馃ぃhelluva diet;) but the feeling after and recovery isnt worth it, usually my benders involve a lil bit of shut eye, maybe sleep, for an hour or 2 then right back into the bag馃ぃ馃ぃ What are the best ways (aside from not doing it in the first place) to get back to feeling normal after a long night of doing cocaine? Archived post. I wouldn't recommend it. Since last year Ive been doing coke on and off, binge once a month/2 months. You try binging on coke a night and tell me whatever shittiness you feel the next day, it was worth it I’ve done Molly once and was depressed for a week, but it was most definitely worth it. If you wanna be picky about EVERY day then probably a full month. I decided it's not a good idea to sleep cause I'd probably sleep through my shift. Drinking a cup of green tea with acv 3. Basically he has no shame nor any fucks to give about casual drug use. If it's after a binge you're mostly just tired and weak. I quit for awhile after that. His wife Fanny said: "That an invalid in my husband's condition of health" was able to do "the manual labour alone of putting 60K words on paper in 6 days seems almost incredible" I binged so bad yesterday, so much that I skipped lunch (only do this with a bad binge) and tonight felt the urge coming on after a normal sized dinner. Then after seeing friends who ended up on prescriptions commit suicide after not taking them. ODing on cocaine is actually fairly 'hard' to do in comparison to other drugs, especially when insuffilating. I work 4 day weeks with 12 hour days, and have managed to stay off it at work for a while now, but in times gone by you'd find many instances where those 4 days were a 4 day coke binge Reply reply Small backstory: I started doing coke regularly about 2 months ago and usually what i do is i buy a gram every 2 weeks on payday and binge for like 2 days just getting high all day. TIL the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) was written by Robert Louis Stevenson during a 6-day cocaine binge. Best. I’ve pulled all nighter on cocaine and work the next time 100s of times and I’ve had the urge to keep going and even taking the stuff with me. I’ll take a meth comedown over coke comedown any day Meth—work out for an hour, then eat something— all will be well. A day binge is a different animal. ) if that's what they are truly doing. Saturday, I traded adderall for 100mg of 2CB (which is the last drug on my drug bucket list) and a bit more than a gram of coke. I decided maybe self medication is the way. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You're going to feel like hell all day that's for sure but besides doing more blow all day. My girlfriend had been complaining about a headache and how tired she was from the night before (she'd been rolling on molly but hates coke even though she introduced me Hi, I am 29M. The weakness, aqua dizziness, feeling a little psychotic still the day after a coke binge? Even right now it’s almost midnight and I’m going to try to sleep because I’m exhausted hoping I’ll be better tomorrow. I'll be doing 3 lines by the end of the night for the same effect as 1 line at the start of the party. I read online that cocaine stays in the system for 2-4 days after use. Thats generally how you do coke, however, you're going to burn through a gram in about 3 hours between 2 people. I went on a 3 day iv coke binge and everytime i hit a vein it coagulates a and the vein turns into a rope before i end the shot. I on a coke binge since day 16. Keep increasing your daily caloric intake until you're gaining 1-3 pounds a week. Seeing as I need to do a lot tomorrow and be in a couple of places, my "hangover" can't be too bad. (It also depends on the purity of the coke batch. Because the drug is metabolized rapidly, the effects wear off in about an hour, which may trigger immediate comedown symptoms. Yeah I mean strength wise I can still power clean my body weight (195) for at least 3 reps , and squat 315 for at least 5 reps (on a bad day) and given I go over 200Lbs in winter season without bulking just switching to a more power building style approach training at least in the past two years,But my frame did take a toll not much my condition or strength but aesthetic wise yes. I previously had a 5 day binge with an 8 ball and a 4 day binge as well. Still stimulated and all good feeling. Like wtf, im really impressed on how much everyone reacts differently when they binge, like I’m still on my second day almost the third (last line was like 8-9 hours ago now, so I will be able to sleep) but I know for a fact that if would go into the third day, I’d be brain dead Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Drinking coffee after coke binge . Depends person to person and length of binge/hydration and quality of gear. I was only using cocaine. You might actually have ED. Abusing cocaine can lead to a binge, which can trigger an overdose. 5 day binge and wonderful conversation. No sleep. I actually fell in love with the white girl and I wasn’t ever an upper person. what do y'all recommend? 馃槀 I’ve done coke maybe a total of 12 times. If you didn't gain, increase to 3000-3500 calories/day. I have been using coke recreationally every weekend or every other weekend for about 7 weeks now. It is now 4 days after the fact that he indulged, and he has become sick. Not drinking water though. I will never ever touch ecstasy again in my life. If you experience a squeezing sensation in the left side of your chest and/or heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cold sweats, pins and needles, and nausea, call 911 i used coke for 2 weeks everyday and after only the 3 or4th day even tough i used hot plate method still my nose would be completely closed and i could only breathe troough my mouth. Cocaine feels like drinking 50 energy drinks (energy) while parachuting (adrenaline), without the side effects of actually doing both of those things at the same time. 5 g) and now I have to go to work in a bit. 25mg to calm down then I take some zolpidem to achieve sleep, zolpidem really is a magic drug for sleep, especially after coke. We started off our little binge by doing a little less than half of our blow. Now I have to take a break bc my tolerance went up very quickly. Feb 25, 2021 — If we depress the nerves for long periods through binge drinking our body reacts once the alcohol has gone by releasing adrenalin to . 5g per week) over the last couple of months. The separa¬ tion of the mannitol from the cocaine is immediate, with the manni¬ tol tailing directly to the bottom and the cocaine starting its slow reaction on the top. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who It’s always great to take during a coke comedown because it calms your body down, gets rid of the urge to do more coke and helps you go to sleep. Well, this most recent time i did it, i binged like regular, but now i straight up have a cold. I also understand the "make sure it STAYS only one binge": I'm able to accept one binge, I say to myself that it's okay, up and down are parts of life, etc, but when I'm doing this, like the day after a binge, it is also the moment when I'm the most vulnerable to binge again because another part of me is like: "since you already binged, you'd 22 votes, 28 comments. Thanks I’m new to coke bought my first gram, started a night job so I get off pretty late first night I went pretty hard I’d say a 1/2 g in the night it was my day off so the session was 5pm - 5am and had a good sleep in the day and went to work in the evening. And I was fine just super hungry and thirsty. Posted by u/Tritone_ - 11 votes and 5 comments This past two moths we had to close a couple of big project and due to a regular 15h/d working schedule i used coke as extra kick (i would appreciate if eventual remarks u may have on this job related coke use will be constructive - imm am aware that using coke to work is questionable). Cold turkey here we go cheers 2024 feel free to message upvotes · comments So I’ve been taking adderall for the past 6 days, prob between 40-60mg throughout the day and it was giving me heart palpitations and just making me a zombie so I decided to switch to coke today to end my week binge. It's not easy. God the last 3 or 4 days now have been terrible i got some molly last week and had a 3 day binge and i don't feel the same at… This is my third speed binge over a one year period. I used to binge and have terrible gut health and would try to “cover up” the binge by eating healthy meals the next day even tho my stomach was not ready for it. Sunday said she felt kinda fucked up, felt displaced from her surroundings and woozy. So last night I finished my final exams and went on a cocaine binge (~. Last night he had a mild fever which seems to be going down now. 2hrs here 4 hrs there or up all night. TL;DR- went on 3 day addy binge, no sleep, VERY minimal food (1 salad that got thrown up). About 1 - 2gs a weekend. Didn’t think it could happen to me but it did and I’m only in my 20s. After work I wanted to get high it’s midnight so I bumped a light dose of 2cb then I And after a month or more when i feel bored i go back to it take around 1g in a day then restore. Knowing Roberto if he were on coke or was coming down/finished a bender he would likely tell us. My dopamine levels probably are low as hell and i couldn't feel almost nothing except paranoia by day 19 forward. 25 gram and my experience wasn't that notable and 7 months ago i snorted a few lines then had a massive panic attack. Alcohol increases acidity and decreases censorship and willpower. If only heroin withdrawals went away in 3 - 5 hours :( Right after, I try to rest (nap) and hydrate myself (to compensate for the dehydration caused by the binge, and to recover quicker from it). like at least a day or two after stopping completely Locked The only upside to this, is that I found the comedown to only last about 3 - 5 hours long. 3/day. The want to eat bad food and especially sweets over rules the voice in my head telling me not to do it. Does anyone else get this? I ask this on here because the coke sub will be no help, I was planning to do 2-3 lines then popping molly, how long after the coke wears down should… We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who Jul 25, 2024 路 Cocaine comedown, often referred to as the cocaine crash or coke hangover, occurs after the effects of cocaine use wear off. So after a week i stopped taking them and took various illegal drugs instead. Binges are the result of an addicted individual’s intense cravings for cocaine after a period of abstinence, or even detoxification. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our… When I was in my early 20s I recovered after 1 day after massive benders. Speed stays in the system for many hours. You get the 1M subscribers in the Drugs community. Coke is great but for me it's too expensive for as quick as one builds a tolerance. Same way smoking one cigarette a month isn't going to do anything clinically significant to cancer risk despite cigarettes provably causing cancer or having a drink once a month isn't going to give you cirrhosis. After that, I level out, go to sleep, and wake up feeling back to normal. Or a good party. Could you just sleep after stopping, like without the help of anything else? Don't do cocaine if you need to work the next day. A few days ago, a buddy of mine and I went out to a few bars. During a coke crash, individuals experience a range of symptoms varying in intensity depending on numerous factors. Personally, binges make me more and more tired, maybe it's caused by age, the older you are, the more time you need to recover from anything (binge, but also party, sport, etc). My last use was yesterday of 0. Apr 24, 2017 路 You'll have so much adrenaline going through your system after a night of coke that relaxing your mind isn't likely to help much, though it will help a little. It's definitely easier for me to recover from a 4-day speed binge than recovering from one night on ecstasy. And a bad one. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who I matured and realized a lot sitting in my own thoughts getting nothing but negative energy from family and friends. ya that's all I got. I'm thinking the olanzapine might be the reason I've stopped feeling the effects so much ( I ran out of olanzapine for a week when my binge started and I had a blast ) The worst being I could never get into a normal sleep pattern; just as I was starting to adjust sleeping during the day and working at night, I'd be off work for a week, and slowly go back to sleeping at night and being up during the day. Happens that I go through 10bags (10g) in 48hrs but recent 2-3months I took it down to a maximum 24hrs binge with a total of 5 bags if I manage to snort it all during the binge. 304K subscribers in the cocaine community. I can't do anything productive on speed. Koob, Ph. But I’d rather teach myself a lesson and push through rather than turn into a coke head at night and at work. After the 1st line immediately that shaky feeling again, the euphoria after 3 days of slurping dopamine is also minimal. My comedowns are not as harsh as other people describe theirs. Cocaine was my DOC and I only got clean by going to NA. Get app Sep 21, 2021 路 A rebound effect, a crash, and a comedown are all drug after-effects that cause different . r/Drugs A chip A close button. I'm talking 96hrs, with minimal sleep. I used ca. ) Thing is, there is no "how often" or "what makes you know" when I am doing coke. “Cokehead” is a bit impulsive and ignorant. of olanzapine and like I said on my post, I've been on a coke binge for gawd knows how many weeks. Although wine would work wonders, I'd just neck the bottle which made me finally hungry for the first time in 2 days. If you dont sleep after coke binging you're useless the whole day. After a three/four day binge, its not worth it to still using I prefer to get some eight hours of sleep in the third day and get back, after staying awake for three or four days the coke gets weak, you have to do big lines to barely feel something, waste of maney Sticking to a balanced routine with enough intakes permit to break the binge/restriction cycle. I… Probably about 2 months. ago. after those 2weeks i had multiple wounds in my nose that took like 2months to heal and i got lucky that it didnt form a hole yet It was the one effect of coke that would last for hours after stopping. After a week, check your weight. Also, I’m frequently popping my ears day and… The binge is great. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. What Just whatever has best reviews on Amazon. It was just a habit. Does that make me a Molly addict now, too? Bro if you need a benzo to come down off coke you're doing too much coke. But cocaine by itself will not permanently cause that. I invited a good buddy of mine over to try 2CB with me. And of course scabs in my nose. Ideally you want a salt grinder from the store with salt in that's almost finished, empty it, put the himalayan salt in, then grind it into a mug of hot water like you would tea, when its dissolved just re-fill your saline (salt water) spray or wack it in a netti pot and Bob's your uncle. Though I have a little taste for cocaine, but when I start I can't stop. What to eat the day after a binge? So today I binged 7k worth of Chinese food and a whole family size back of holloweem chocolate. LysergicLearning • 7 yr. I usually either don't get… Mar 10, 2021 路 During a cocaine binge, a person will take large amounts of cocaine, crack cocaine, or even methamphetamine, in one dose, or several doses over several days. I'm not drinking much and I still go to work (high functioning 500 a day contractor), and I thought I want to Google the crazy arse stories of people binging for days. This was probably the stupidest decision ive ever made in my life. 5mg. When I did the "second round" of cocaine, I only got a little higher than I already felt, which isn't much compared to earlier. After struggling with partying for years I finally see through the haze and never ending depression that was 100% coke induced. 3. Mar 3, 2021 — George F. You'll do all the lines and then realize it's already almost time for work. Jan 5, 2013 路 Three or four days, usually taking breaks from using to go to work, the binge ending with some big dramatic event, but those were pretty rare, generally my binges were only over a night, sometimes carrying into the next day. after those few months It just wasn't fun anymore. Yes you need to eat the day after a binge but you need to let your mind reconnect with your gut and only eat when your ready to eat. I'd finally eat something and soon enough just pass out asleep. Or check it out in the app stores Table in basement after a 3 day coke binge. If I could figure out a way to party for a day and go to sleep I think it would be good but I can’t fucken stop. You might think "oh I'll just do a few lines and have plenty of time to sleep" but no, you won't. I never got this from coke though, only recently with high dose meth usage. Yes antihistamins like dph or doxylamin its otc here i got myself a 100x 100mg prometahzine Pack for 20 bucks for my insomnia if u can get ur hands on a fake prescription you get it very cheap ;) Extremely tired after a 2 day cocaine binge. I additionally read that urine tests check for the cocaine metabolites like benzoylecgonine. Between Thursday, Friday and into Saturday me and a friend each used about 12g. i used coke two times before; 10 months ago i snorted . And then the 5 after that, then maybe shoot for 15 minutes. But i do take coffee, vit c, zinc, mag chelate, omega 3(epa needs to be atleast 350+mg, dha imo doesnt really matter, its very important for brain recovery). Apr 28, 2012 路 I am noticeably euphoric the entire week after a weekend meth binge, like 5 days, not even 1 or 2. I had to do all my usual errands on my weeks off because I was too tired on the on-weeks. I'd suggest talking to a medical professional. I used to be able to do binges like this and feel fine the next day, but lately no matter what I do I feel completely whack. Just trying to create a non judgemental community to talk about drugs and answer questions We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who 1. This is a sanctuary for lost souls and shadow people alike-- Before you go any further READ THE RULES -- Purpose: We promote harm reduction, safe ROA guidance, and storytelling for guidance and comfort. Just took the last line of my life, 8 year addiction an eight ball a day at minimum for 5 years straight not one day missed. Typing alot to make the post submission El Barto. Maybe avoid the food you don't digest well to avoid adding some more tiredness to your body (it can be meat, spicy food, dairy, etc)? And drink more than usual because binge dehydrates a lot, so drinking will help your body to recover. Yes, but not as bad and not as quickly as after coke. Last night for New Years, I got together with some coworkers and did a decent amount of coke. No issues with nose Coke—racing heart, eventual shit sleep, then depression & stinging nose the next day (Coke sting mitigated by neti-pot after last use) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Drinking hot lemon+acv water 2. 1 - this is about 4-5 hours after last line of coke and magnesium dose. I stopped today, and got some weed. I was doing roughly 1g/day. A cocaine binge Probably best to experiment with it by itself first. I've felt the affects of coke binging. I'm on 7. How many days to reset my tolerance? Coke is extremely binge-compulsive for me. 5g in like 12-13 hours, I noticed around the end that my arms felt sore, no pain, no discomfort, just sore, like if I did a big workout the day before. That's for sporadic users. There are a lot of things we are told not to do. My fav is oxy but I detoxed from opiates some months ago so now I use Xanax (but I don't like benzos, they make me non anxious but usually a selfish asshole, I usually prefer to be anxious so I control my behaviour) I just need 0. Again if You work 8 hours and did 8 hours worth of coke while physically working or mentally, you will be way more exhausted then when sitting on ass doing it every 30-60minfor days on end when yoh don’t work You are experiencing some kind of allergic reaction, I recommend blending oranges, carrots, celery, avocado with some water and eat it before going to sleep and after waking up, take omega 3 and magnesium with it and try to get 10 hours of deep sleep. As OP has said, coke is laced with shit that can be much worse than the coke powder by itself (ie laundry detergent, baby formula, white powder sugar). Locked post. Don’t worry about staying clean for a long time, think about being clean for the next 5 minutes. I woke up 6 or 8 hours later after a 3. -- We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who A place for friends to discuss cocaine and cocaine related activities, news, stories, products, etc. Give it a day or two (your body might stillbe recovering) if you still can't get it up. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our… Also found articles that showed that booze and coke both reduce the bodies ability to absorb vitamin B. I did coke over a summer in my late teens, me and 3 friends blew threw a 1/2 ounce in a weekend more than once. Just a temporary fix to deal with the consequence but better that way I swear. Going to see Deadmau5 tonight and I pretty much blew lines throughout the whole day yesterday until about 7 am, not non stop, maybe ever few hours. Im now on the path to sobriety after making two consecutive trips to the ER after a 2 day coke binge. <insert manic paragraph describing our speedy community in vivid detail, describing at great length the community, the rules, the daily goings-on etc. A place for friends to discuss cocaine and cocaine related activities, news, stories, products, etc. Drinking a cup of green tea. New Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. It helps re stabilize glutamate in the brain after cocaine or marijuana use so its pretty amazing the day after doing a lot. Obviously you cannot just negate the damage to your body but does anyone use supplements to help with side effects? What I use: High dose magnesium glycinate - 700mg L-theanine - 400mg Ashwaganda - 600mg Vitamin D 4000IU Less Alcohol Always flush nose with salt water after session and drink full fat milk and orange juice for sugars, calories and fluids before bed. If you're ready and able to deal with the repurcussions, then binge as long as you want. So I just took a bunch of vitamin B supplements and was back to normal after about While some symptoms of a cocaine comedown are similar to cocaine withdrawal, the experiences are very different. So I bought half a cocaine to bridge the day awake until tonight. The day after I always feel like I have no energy and quite restless. I got a huge party day 24, and there will be some awesome purple orbitals full of MDMA there. I believe that exercising after a coke binge might be difficult on the heart so I want to slowly get back into fitness. But when I ran outta coke, I went and bought more and did about . Having an addictive personality (read: childhood trauma), a glass of wine or a beer are a sure way for me to (1) continue drinking until I finish all the alcohol of that type that is readily available and (2) top it off with a full 3 course meal, including carbs, fats, and usually sweets. I've done coke a bunch of times and never had any problems, I ate almost nothing that day and I stayed awake for around 26 hours and did 0. Oxynorm 5mg after a three day coke binge Will this kill me or just hell me sleep. 5g. At first I didn't notice anything changed. The come down is usually unpleasant if you keep it up for too long (binge over a night or longer) or if you take small doses daily for a longer time (but sleep every night). Now I'm 30 and it takes me about 3-5 days to fully recover. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who All 3 are top tier comedown meds. 7pm the day after st Patrick's day, Amey gets back from work and tosses another bag on the table in front me. One of the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency is peripheral neuropathy (fucked up nerves to your extremities). cak fwn ibvp zyf cywoo fmiis hfcnae bxqafp niemwx loidy